Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA SoM
TE0741s are industrial-grade FPGA module integrating a Xilinx Kintex-7T FPGA, 32 Mbyte Flash memory for configuration and operation, and powerful switch-mode power supplies for all on-board voltages. A large number of configurable I/Os is provided via rugged high-speed stacking strips.
Embedded Development Suite
A hardware development platform is available. Latest documentation, design support files, reference design source files and tools are available for download free of charge.
Key Features
- Industrial-grade Xilinx Kintex-7 T FPGA module (70T*, 160T*, 325T, 410T)
* Device supported by the free Xilinx ISE WebPACK tool. - 256 Mbit (32 Mbyte) Quad-SPI Flash memory (for configuration and operation) accessible through:
- JTAG port (SPI indirect)
- 8 MGTs (multi gigabit transceivers)
- FPGA configuration through:
- JTAG (B2B connector)
- SPI Flash memory
- 25 MHz low jitter oscillator with shutdown control
- Programmable quad clock generator (Silicon Labs Si5338)
- On-board high-efficiency DC-DC converters
- MGT voltage regulators with control enable
- Core voltage regulator: 20 A (2 x Enpirion DC/DC regulators with load-sharing)
- Supply voltages: either 3.3 V or 3.3 V and 5 V
- Plug-on module with two 100-pin and one 60-pin high-speed hermaphroditic stacking strips
- Up to 144 (94 for 70T) FPGA I/O pins available on B2B strips
- 2 user LEDs, 1 DONE FPGA pin LED
- Only 5 x 4 cm!
- AES bit-stream encryption
- Evenly spread supply pins for good signal integrity
- Assembly options for cost or performance optimization available on request