The Xilinx SDSoC™ development environment is a member of the Xilinx SDx™ family that provides a greatly simplified ASSP-like C/C++ programming experience including an easy to use Eclipse IDE and a comprehensive design environment for heterogeneous Zynq® All Programmable SoC and MPSoC deployment. Complete with the industry’s first C/C++ full-system optimizing compiler, SDSoC delivers system level profiling, automated software acceleration in programmable logic, automated system connectivity generation, and libraries to speed programming.
To access the capabilities of SDSoC, please visit
For more information or to get a copy of the EMC² support software required, please click here to send us an email
To read an article from Embedded Computing Design about EMC², SDSoC and the advancements in embedded computing, please click here.
Sundance is an SDSoC environment-qualified Xilinx Alliance Member and offers libraries, boards, and / or design services.
EMC² – SDSoC runining Sobel filter in the Programable Logic on Zynq from SundanceDotCom on Vimeo.
EMC² – SDSoC running OpenCV generated “fastcorner” demo in the Programable Logic on Zynq from SundanceDotCom on Vimeo.
EMC² – SDSoC running C to FPGA generated motion detection demo in the Programable Logic on Zynq from SundanceDotCom on Vimeo.
EMC² – SDSoC runining OpenCV generarted ‘C’ 2D filter function in the Programable Logic on Zynq from SundanceDotCom on Vimeo.